Monday, December 24, 2007

in the beginning...

Hey, thanks for stopping by!

Ok, so I've been seeing everybody blogging away, and just figured I'd join the crowd. actually i just want to be able to play in private blogger tourneys :)

anyway, i'll post all my sad stories about getting donked out on, and the occasional story about something going my way, and probably some about my wife's doings at the $3 turbo PL O/8 STTs on stars.

Right now I'm playing primarily $1-$5 SNGs on FT & UB. I donked around MTTs for about 2 years with very little success and realized I could actually hold my own at the 1 & 2-table SNGs, so that's what I've decided to focus on.

So far I've been able to maintain ROI between 30-35% over about 200 games, which I guess is pretty good. Unfortunately, at the $1-$5 level, this is not a life-changing income. Right now my goal is to keep doing well enough to build enough of a roll to start slightly moving up in limits.

So we'll see how it goes. For now, the quest continues...