Sunday, June 29, 2008

new game & sick call

well, i might have found the game that can be my niche - stud hi-lo. i've done well in the few tries in the past but that was mainly a fluke that i even played the game. i decided to try a stt satellite to the msop and finished 3rd. it was a very disappointing 3rd because i had a massive chip lead and blew it. i got very unlucky in a couple of spots and badly misplayed one hand, and that was that. but going back over the hands I saw that i did play very well overall. I posted on the cp forums asking for a 2nd opinion, and thanks to grandhustle8 for taking the time to do so, and he said I did play very well except for the one bad hand and maybe a couple of other spots where i could've done things a little differently but nothing majorly wrong.

so I decided to keep trying, and i've won the last 2 STTs i've played. and with the way i've been running lately, if this can continue to be a trend, i might just have to make stud hi-lo my game permanently.

unless, that is, i can keep making sick calls like this one in holdem...

i havent made a call like that in a while, so it felt good. i was actually putting him on AQ, but thats close enough i guess :)

but the good feeling was short-lived. that was $2 1r/1a on tilt. got almost wiped out early but recovered, was about mid-pack at the break, then hit the see-saw.

first, check-call FTW...

double back up when my 10s outraced AJ, then this crap...

tough break. folds to me in the cutoff, so a7 sooooooted is worth a raise. i like to raise less than 3xbb in a spot like this usually, but unfortunately doing so sometimes can price somebody in, as it did for k9 to set-mine. I knew shorty was tilting and ugly was a station, and getting back to me at 6-1 I felt like i had to call. flop was good for giving me top-top but bad that it was only 7-high so i was worried about something like 88 or 99, but figured if i threw out the bet i did, i'd take it down if k9 & ugly missed. but, they didnt obv.

few hands later pick up 99 utg+1 and shove, only to run into 1010

gg me, 80th place FTL.

this one pissed me off. i had tens once, 99 when i busted, and about 6 other times i had pocket pairs 7 & under and couldn't flop a set once. meanwhile they were luckboxing all around me.

oh well, guess i need to stick to stud hi-lo

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

very depressing

Just an awful nite. Did a FTP stt with winner getting 20 T$. had about an 11-1 chiplead heads up. got villain allin on the turn with 3rd pair on a hand where i had 18 outs, couldnt catch one. short time later, he called off his stack with 33 against my a4 soooooooooted, no good. end up allin w/Q10 vs. JJ, flop gutter, cant catch.

at the same time did a $4 stud h/l stt, top 2 getting $15 msop seat. 3-handed with 2/3 of the chips in play and blew it. had the shorty allin, caught a miracle river to complete a straight and a low to scoop. few hands later I made one bad mistake, chasing an 8-7 low when villain was showing 8-6 and playing like he had the low. end up all in with the best hand and again villain catches the miracle river to bust me.

I got the roll up to almost $300 not that long ago. Cashed out $100, and now down to $50. Along with everything else that's wrong in my life, it's just all extremely depressing. I can't do anything right anymore, in poker, work, or any other aspect of life, and it's just really wearing me down big time.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

sickest shit i've ever seen

check out this progression how the world's all-time luckbox goes from out the door to top prize...

this one was the real killer:

and after i fought back a little, the finisher...

i mean come on, you just can NOT make this stuff up. it's just absolutely pathetic.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

on and on it goes...

so here's tonight so far...


oh, and there was the hand on spadeclub - KK, raise 3xBB utg, get reraised, i shove, he calls & shows QQ. flop KQA... turn - Q

lol 1-outerments

Saturday, June 14, 2008

yada yada

i havent written as much lately because frankly writing about all the bad beats, suckouts and ridiculous coolers just gets old. like lastnight, flop a 10-high flush out of bb in unraised pot vs. k-high flush. today bust out of 2 when i ran AQ into AA on Q-high flop and K10 into A10 on 10-high flop in unraised pot. then another tourney raise 3xBB from utg w/kk, genius overshoves w/a7 sooooooooted and flops ace, couple hands later i bust AK < QQ > 1010.

all sooooo typical...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

there is no doubt, i am officially cursed

so i jump into $2 rebuy MSOP satellite with 2 $50 seats. bust out 8th. how?

i have dropped from roughly $130 to $60 in my last 3 sessions. Every single game is ever a joke of a suckout like this, or a ridiculous cooler.

there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, i am cursed.

Monday, June 9, 2008

give me a FKKKKING break!!!!!

I run so good. $3 turbo KO tourney, down under 150 people. this hand puts me in top 15 or so. oh but wait, it's me, i'm not allowed to win...

just plain sick

next hand busted a6 < aq

next tourney... put me on AJ obv...

beyond disgusting

Saturday, June 7, 2008

i run sooooooo F-ing good

next hand, out a3 < a7


soooooooooooooo typical. donkoff has been openshoving every hand from cutoff or button, knew i just had to wait for the right spot. of course i get just that and then full tilt bends me over and rams it in.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

right play wrong result, then bubble out


that was a huge hand for me. got deep, was running 7th of 13, then every single short stack doubled up, i couldnt get anything even remotely playable, ended up facing this...

hey man, nice bubble


at least I ended up for the night, but not quite what i had in mind.


so i won a sat. to a $15 msop, tried a $1.75 turbo stt. got to heads up, won a big pot when AK actually held up, then this...

had to shove 10-5 2 hands later and of course donk had to have A4 and flop 2 pr. gg me. not