Sunday, June 29, 2008

new game & sick call

well, i might have found the game that can be my niche - stud hi-lo. i've done well in the few tries in the past but that was mainly a fluke that i even played the game. i decided to try a stt satellite to the msop and finished 3rd. it was a very disappointing 3rd because i had a massive chip lead and blew it. i got very unlucky in a couple of spots and badly misplayed one hand, and that was that. but going back over the hands I saw that i did play very well overall. I posted on the cp forums asking for a 2nd opinion, and thanks to grandhustle8 for taking the time to do so, and he said I did play very well except for the one bad hand and maybe a couple of other spots where i could've done things a little differently but nothing majorly wrong.

so I decided to keep trying, and i've won the last 2 STTs i've played. and with the way i've been running lately, if this can continue to be a trend, i might just have to make stud hi-lo my game permanently.

unless, that is, i can keep making sick calls like this one in holdem...

i havent made a call like that in a while, so it felt good. i was actually putting him on AQ, but thats close enough i guess :)

but the good feeling was short-lived. that was $2 1r/1a on tilt. got almost wiped out early but recovered, was about mid-pack at the break, then hit the see-saw.

first, check-call FTW...

double back up when my 10s outraced AJ, then this crap...

tough break. folds to me in the cutoff, so a7 sooooooted is worth a raise. i like to raise less than 3xbb in a spot like this usually, but unfortunately doing so sometimes can price somebody in, as it did for k9 to set-mine. I knew shorty was tilting and ugly was a station, and getting back to me at 6-1 I felt like i had to call. flop was good for giving me top-top but bad that it was only 7-high so i was worried about something like 88 or 99, but figured if i threw out the bet i did, i'd take it down if k9 & ugly missed. but, they didnt obv.

few hands later pick up 99 utg+1 and shove, only to run into 1010

gg me, 80th place FTL.

this one pissed me off. i had tens once, 99 when i busted, and about 6 other times i had pocket pairs 7 & under and couldn't flop a set once. meanwhile they were luckboxing all around me.

oh well, guess i need to stick to stud hi-lo

1 comment:

Ken C said...

Sorry to say this man, but you played all 3 of those hands absolutely horribly. Just sayin'... If you want the 'why', I'd be more than willing to give it to you.