Wednesday, June 25, 2008

very depressing

Just an awful nite. Did a FTP stt with winner getting 20 T$. had about an 11-1 chiplead heads up. got villain allin on the turn with 3rd pair on a hand where i had 18 outs, couldnt catch one. short time later, he called off his stack with 33 against my a4 soooooooooted, no good. end up allin w/Q10 vs. JJ, flop gutter, cant catch.

at the same time did a $4 stud h/l stt, top 2 getting $15 msop seat. 3-handed with 2/3 of the chips in play and blew it. had the shorty allin, caught a miracle river to complete a straight and a low to scoop. few hands later I made one bad mistake, chasing an 8-7 low when villain was showing 8-6 and playing like he had the low. end up all in with the best hand and again villain catches the miracle river to bust me.

I got the roll up to almost $300 not that long ago. Cashed out $100, and now down to $50. Along with everything else that's wrong in my life, it's just all extremely depressing. I can't do anything right anymore, in poker, work, or any other aspect of life, and it's just really wearing me down big time.

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