Thursday, June 5, 2008

right play wrong result, then bubble out


that was a huge hand for me. got deep, was running 7th of 13, then every single short stack doubled up, i couldnt get anything even remotely playable, ended up facing this...

hey man, nice bubble


at least I ended up for the night, but not quite what i had in mind.


Ken C said...

I don't care how tough it is to get stuff going, how on earth did you let yourself get to 1BB? Or did you just lose a big pot? Nice fold, btw. lol minraiseaments.

JL131 said...

it was a turbo sat. w/11 seats. at 13 i was in 7th, in great shape, figured i could coast. then literally every shorty doubled, blinds jumped mega-fast, and b4 u knew it, that's where i was