Wednesday, August 27, 2008

not bad

continue my run of just not playing very much. all the suckouts, coolers and bad beats have really taken a toll. Monday did a $3 omaha tourney and took 4th for $40. No majorly exciting hands to talk about, except I did miss an opportunity to win i think. This assclown at my table was acting like a real schmuck, and started going crazy when i folded a hand with a straight on the board about how stupid I was cause it was a chop. I am just praying it was a level, because if he was genuinely that clueless about omaha and made the FT anyway, that would be just way too highly disturbing for me to handle. Anyway, he was raising obnoxiously almost every hand, one hand I picked up A10Jx sooted, normally playable for me, but i folded not wanting to have to fold to his raise, but this time he limped, and the flop wouldve given me the flush draw and openender, so I could very possibly have crushed him on that hand. But I didn't, and ran QQxx into KKxx preflop. gg

lastnight did another $2 1r1a, finished 17th. Couldnt get much going all night but still managed to get that far, ran AQ into AK preflop, flopped the Q then turned K. gg again.

Friday, August 22, 2008

ho hum

since coming back from break i played 4 times - 7th in a stt when i turned dummy end of straight against flop nut straight. then two 2nds in stts, and the FT bubble in the 2r. so overall not terrible.

did the $2 1r1a. had a very tough spot at one point - called a pf raise with 99, flop came 3 unders, all spades, & I had the 9. raiser bet about 1/2 pot, i minraised. he shoved & sent me into the tank. did he have overpair with a spade? overpair no spade? AsK-type hand? i eventually folded and he told me after the tourney he had AsAx, so good laydown i guess.

looked like i was on my way to cashing until this hand against villain from the other hand...

so sick, and yet so standard, at least for me. i hate poker.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

break changes nothing

so after being on vacation for a week and not playing for couple days after getting back, i got back on the FT horse today. did 2 $5 sngs, took 2nd in one against ridiculous luckbox, no cash in the other

did $2 rebuy, in for $10. i was final table bubbleboy, for a whopping $1 profit, and this joke is how it happened after I played damn near perfect poker throughout...

Full Tilt Poker Game #7715868979: $2 + $0.25 Rebuy (58570431), Table 5 - 2000/4000 Ante 500 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:33:37 ET - 2008/08/19
Seat 1: Jlusafer (56,797)
Seat 2: jl131 (44,050)
Seat 4: megowen (26,361)
Seat 5: Dumont 3 (106,018)
Seat 6: biggord (37,725)
Jlusafer antes 500
jl131 antes 500
megowen antes 500
Dumont 3 antes 500
biggord antes 500
Jlusafer posts the small blind of 2,000
jl131 posts the big blind of 4,000
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ac Ts]
megowen has 15 seconds left to act
megowen folds
Dumont 3 folds
biggord folds
Jlusafer raises to 56,297, and is all in
jl131 calls 39,550, and is all in
Jlusafer shows [3c 3h]
jl131 shows [Ac Ts]
Uncalled bet of 12,747 returned to Jlusafer
*** FLOP *** [8d Jc 3d]
*** TURN *** [8d Jc 3d] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [8d Jc 3d Th] [5s]
Jlusafer shows three of a kind, Threes
jl131 shows a pair of Tens
Jlusafer wins the pot (89,600) with three of a kind, Threes
jl131 stands up

unreal. what a ridiculously idiotic shove, and of course i read it right and he had about as much of a hand as i expected, and it still blows up in my face. i want to puke.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

the slide continues, sickly

well first there was the rambler series. lost decent size pot when i flopped top pair and LJ called me on flop & turn with 2nd pair & hit trips on river. nice catch. actually had some luck when i caught runnner-runner to bust a shorty. then pick up QQ, flop ace and lose big pot. KK flop ace and have to get away from it. then bust when i raise utg w/KQ, get reraised by LP, it's limit so i have to call, flop Q-high and raiser has AA obv.

then did a sng, here was the crucial hand, which also summarizes how i've been running since getting my acct to high point of $210...

excuse me while i vomit. so unbelievably sick.