Friday, August 22, 2008

ho hum

since coming back from break i played 4 times - 7th in a stt when i turned dummy end of straight against flop nut straight. then two 2nds in stts, and the FT bubble in the 2r. so overall not terrible.

did the $2 1r1a. had a very tough spot at one point - called a pf raise with 99, flop came 3 unders, all spades, & I had the 9. raiser bet about 1/2 pot, i minraised. he shoved & sent me into the tank. did he have overpair with a spade? overpair no spade? AsK-type hand? i eventually folded and he told me after the tourney he had AsAx, so good laydown i guess.

looked like i was on my way to cashing until this hand against villain from the other hand...

so sick, and yet so standard, at least for me. i hate poker.

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