Wednesday, August 27, 2008

not bad

continue my run of just not playing very much. all the suckouts, coolers and bad beats have really taken a toll. Monday did a $3 omaha tourney and took 4th for $40. No majorly exciting hands to talk about, except I did miss an opportunity to win i think. This assclown at my table was acting like a real schmuck, and started going crazy when i folded a hand with a straight on the board about how stupid I was cause it was a chop. I am just praying it was a level, because if he was genuinely that clueless about omaha and made the FT anyway, that would be just way too highly disturbing for me to handle. Anyway, he was raising obnoxiously almost every hand, one hand I picked up A10Jx sooted, normally playable for me, but i folded not wanting to have to fold to his raise, but this time he limped, and the flop wouldve given me the flush draw and openender, so I could very possibly have crushed him on that hand. But I didn't, and ran QQxx into KKxx preflop. gg

lastnight did another $2 1r1a, finished 17th. Couldnt get much going all night but still managed to get that far, ran AQ into AK preflop, flopped the Q then turned K. gg again.

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