Thursday, May 29, 2008

bad night gone good

what? am I posting something positive? can it really be true?

yes, although it sure didn't start that way.

went to a .25/.50 limit table w/$8 and dropped it all very quickly. Key hand was KK, flop KAJ, turn blank, river Q, and the J10 offsuit chased every street to get there. lol donkeygutshotchasesuckoutaments

then did a stt, went out 4th. never seen worse play. 3 different players at different times played offsuit kojak like aces. i ended up busting with AK vs. JJ.

but then as i often do when holdem mistreats me, i turned to my friend omaha. first a hi 6-handed stt, came in 2nd. got to heads up way too far behind and couldn't get there. last hand we both turned the same straight & each had flush draws, hers got there.

then did a $5 hi-lo stt and took it down for only my second 1st in about 2 months. ROI was up to about 45% at the high point, trying hard to get it back to 40 now. we'll see what tonight brings...

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