Friday, May 2, 2008

here we go again

so today i've played 4 tourneys -

#1 out when flopped set of 8s vs. flopped nut flush

#2 out KK < A6 sooooooooooted allin preflop

#3 out QQ < A10 offsuit after big reraise pf and flopped 2 aces

#4 o/8 - raise pre w/AcKcK4, one caller, flop Q27, bet get called, turn 7, bet and villain shoves, i'm actually figuring him for QQ or a 7 now but lots of outs to chop and i have a lot invested so i call, he does have the QQ so he flopped the 2-outer and the river misses my 500 low outs and i'm out. again. after a sick suckout. every time.

excuse me while i go drive off a bridge. acct now down to 181 from high point of 294

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