Wednesday, January 23, 2008

and now i'm off

decided it was time for a game change with the way tilt was doing me wrong in the NLHE dept. so went to an omaha sng.

on the first hand i flopped a set and i think the flush draw caught up on the river so i laid it down. after that i kept hitting flop after flop and did not get drawn out on once. then there was one big suckout on my part - flop 227, i held 2A, bet and got raised by short stack all in. i thought about folding but had a lot in the pot already and would still have the chip lead if i lost. he flips over 77. turn - the deuce. :)

one amazing spot heads up...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4972541924: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37739166), Table 1 - 200/400 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 22:48:12 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: Kid_Smoker (1,850)
Seat 7: jl131 (11,650)
Kid_Smoker posts the small blind of 200
jl131 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ad As Ac Ah]

went check-check to showdown and my "quad aces" held up. took it down a few hands later.

so, despite a short losing streak, we're back up to $95. to be continued...

Ok, now I'm on tilt!

$2 SNG, not going too well, had to dump top pair on a shaky board, some blinds, stack dwindling. then this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4971202382: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37737089), Table 1 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:58:27 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: infocline (2,605)
Seat 2: WSDM (2,105)
Seat 3: philcaire (3,705), is sitting out
Seat 4: Watson30 (1,365)
Seat 5: jl131 (1,130)
Seat 6: whackytaco (975)
Seat 7: rono4102 (1,615)
whackytaco posts the small blind of 25
rono4102 posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ad Js]
infocline calls 50
WSDM folds
philcaire folds
Watson30 folds
jl131 raises to 150
whackytaco folds
rono4102 folds
infocline calls 100
*** FLOP *** [Qh Ks 5s]
infocline checks
jl131 bets 350
infocline raises to 800
jl131 folds

could've just shoved it in here and hoped he was on a draw, but i didnt want to bust on a draw myself, and I have also made a habit of coming back from being shortstacked.

so i tried to steal and amazingly ended up in a race, and got bent over...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4971255358: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37737089), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:03:00 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: infocline (1,895)
Seat 2: WSDM (1,485)
Seat 3: philcaire (3,615), is sitting out
Seat 4: Watson30 (1,495)
Seat 5: jl131 (540)
Seat 6: whackytaco (2,270)
Seat 7: rono4102 (2,200)
rono4102 posts the small blind of 30
infocline posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [5d 9d]
WSDM folds
philcaire folds
Watson30 folds
jl131 raises to 540, and is all in
whackytaco folds
rono4102 folds
infocline calls 480
jl131 shows [5d 9d]
infocline shows [4d 4h]
*** FLOP *** [3s Ad 5s]...good
*** TURN *** [3s Ad 5s] [Jh]...better
*** RIVER *** [3s Ad 5s Jh] [4c] #@$(#*!@)$(@#)%*#$)%^(!!!
jl131 shows a pair of Fives
infocline shows three of a kind, Fours
infocline wins the pot (1,110) with three of a kind, Fours
jl131 stands up and bangs his head against the wall

At the same time i was playing a $3 rebuy just for the hell of it. planned on not rebuying and just picking my spots. got short, then tripled up w/pocket 10s. got it allin again w/qq against JJ and... A7 offsuit FTW!!!!!! yes, ace on the flop. so that knocked me down, doubled up again when i picked off a bluff and won with ace high. then this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4971341371: $6,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (37096343), Table 8 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:10:13 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: niji kila (2,130)
Seat 2: gmgmoney (3,680)
Seat 3: jl131 (2,820)
Seat 4: spike00 (5,310)
Seat 5: cycanadian (3,035)
Seat 7: Guttaville (2,755)
Seat 8: bruin81 (4,555)
Seat 9: Corcubs (1,230)
cycanadian posts the small blind of 30
Guttaville posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [8d Td]
bruin81 calls 60
Corcubs calls 60
niji kila calls 60
gmgmoney calls 60
jl131 calls 60... ok, i'm along for the ride
spike00 calls 60
cycanadian raises to 120... minraise w/all these limpers? Is it kings or aces?
Guttaville folds
bruin81 calls 60
Corcubs calls 60
niji kila calls 60
gmgmoney calls 60
jl131 calls 60
spike00 calls 60
*** FLOP *** [Ad 7d 2d] now that's a flop!
cycanadian has 15 seconds left to act
cycanadian bets 420
bruin81 folds
Corcubs folds
niji kila folds
gmgmoney raises to 840 - random ace or the King of D
jl131 raises to 2,700, and is all in
spike00 folds
cycanadian has 15 seconds left to act
cycanadian calls 2,280
gmgmoney calls 1,860
*** TURN *** [Ad 7d 2d] [8c]
cycanadian checks
gmgmoney bets 860, and is all in
cycanadian calls 215, and is all in
gmgmoney shows [4d Jd] - yo, even in a rebuy, that's just wrong
jl131 shows [8d Td]
cycanadian shows [Kh Kd]
Uncalled bet of 645 returned to gmgmoney
*** RIVER *** [Ad 7d 2d 8c] [3s]
gmgmoney shows a flush, Ace high
cycanadian shows a pair of Kings
gmgmoney wins the side pot (430) with a flush, Ace high
jl131 shows a flush, Ace high
gmgmoney wins the main pot (9,000) with a flush, Ace high
jl131 stands up and jumps off a bridge

Monday, January 21, 2008

nice near double-up

I dont play cash games online very often. It just seems like i always run bad, or i win a little then donk it right back, a lot of times i play scared. whatever the reason, cash is usually my last option online. but I got a free $10 from UB, kicked around a few small sngs to get up to about $17. then yesterday I knew I'd be going out when my wife got done at work, but didn't know what time that would happen. so, not wanting to start a sng or tourney and have to bail, i figured i'd take my chump change to a .25/.50 NL bad beat table on UB. only played about 5 hands until I got the call from my wife, but left the table with $32+. big hand was a 7-8 soooooooted i called a preflop raise with and flopped 2 eights against QQ who called my flop shove. smaller pot came with the 8-5 clubs when the whole table checked around on the flop and turn to allow me to catch my runner-runner flush. now i just have to decide if i want to keep trying the cash games or go to my normal sng routine. we'll see...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bad night

So I hit the $100 mark and BAM! here comes the bad night, first in quite some time. bombed out of a $5, just couldnt catch a thing, and made one bad play. called a small raise on the button with K9 sooooooted, flop came king high, raiser bet pot. Now this guy had shown he had the goods every time but i shoved hoping he didnt have a king, and he had KQ to cripple me. went back to the $2 level and got nowhere. on one there was a maniac who was caught raising all kinds of trash. he doubled me up twice, once with 8-9 off the other w/K3 off against my A-high. went for it a 3rd time with J10 sooooooooted but this time he had QQ and i went out 4th. I hate that.

hopefully I can get back on track tonight.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

so after a few days off i got back on my quest to hit $100. sng # 1 did not go well. got coolered on a couple hands and didn't cash. on #2 I went into the money with the chip lead and a very short #3, so 2nd or better seemed inevitable until this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4886642265: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37097166), Table 1 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:22:35 ET - 2008/01/16
Seat 6: jl131 (5,990)
Seat 7: rampage119 (4,885)
Seat 9: Inmate042574 (2,625)
Inmate042574 posts the small blind of 60
jl131 posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ks Kd]
rampage119 raises to 240
Inmate042574 folds
jl131 raises to 480 - in hindsight guess i shouldve raised more but rampage had ramped up the agression since getting into the money & i thought i could trap here...
rampage119 calls 240
*** FLOP *** [6h 9d 9s]
jl131 bets 600
rampage119 raises to 1,200 - now i was more afraid of 66 than a 9, but this was exactly what i wanted, him to put me on a c-bet and raise with Ax or a smaller pair
jl131 raises to 5,510, and is all in
rampage119 calls 3,205, and is all in
jl131 shows [Ks Kd]
rampage119 shows [9h Jd] uhhh... oops. guess that's what i get for the miniraise preflop
Uncalled bet of 1,105 returned to jl131
*** TURN *** [6h 9d 9s] [8s]
*** RIVER *** [6h 9d 9s 8s] [7h]
jl131 shows two pair, Kings and Nines
rampage119 shows three of a kind, Nines
rampage119 wins the pot (9,830) with three of a kind, Nines

next hand i tilted all in for my last 9xBB w/K6, mr. rampage called w/A3 off (donkey) and busted me in 3rd.

despite my one no-cash and 3rd place flameout I was still feeling good about how i was playing, so i went for #3. made one big laydown early on, called a smaller stack's preflop miniraise w/33. flop came 779 and with a little over 300 in the pot he shoved for 950. I went into the tank, putting him on AK here. just a strong feeling i was good. just as i was about to click call i timed out. maybe for the best. picked up some nice pots here and there and then a little luck in this hand really sent me on my way...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4887073924: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37101199), Table 1 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:57:40 ET - 2008/01/16
Seat 1: jl131 (4,225)
Seat 3: nittanyted (6,150)
Seat 6: nahili (1,355)
Seat 8: BantonPR (1,770), is sitting out
BantonPR posts the small blind of 50
jl131 posts the big blind of 100
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [6h Qh]
BantonPR has returned
nittanyted folds
nahili calls 100
BantonPR folds
jl131 checks
*** FLOP *** [Th 4s 4h]
jl131 bets 200
nahili calls 200 - i am putting him on a 4 at this point without a doubt, he would've raised a ten
*** TURN *** [Th 4s 4h] [7s]
jl131 checks
nahili checks - hey, thanks for the free card, buddy
*** RIVER *** [Th 4s 4h 7s] [3h] NICE!
jl131 bets 400
nahili raises to 800 uh oh i was thinking A4 on the flop, could he possibly have 3-4? maybe a lower flush. no way in hell i can fold...
jl131 calls 400
*** SHOW DOWN ***
nahili shows [4c Jh] three of a kind, Fours... slowplaying foiled again!
jl131 shows [6h Qh] a flush, Queen high
jl131 wins the pot (2,250) with a flush, Queen high

and the finisher...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4887177609: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37101199), Table 1 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:06:04 ET - 2008/01/16
Seat 1: jl131 (8,140)
Seat 3: nittanyted (5,360)
jl131 posts the small blind of 60
nittanyted posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ah Kc]
jl131 raises to 360
nittanyted calls 240
*** FLOP *** [Tc 9s Ac]
nittanyted checks
jl131 bets 480
nittanyted raises to 2,160
jl131 raises to 7,780, and is all in
nittanyted calls 2,840, and is all in
jl131 shows [Ah Kc]
nittanyted shows [8d Ad]
Uncalled bet of 2,780 returned to jl131
*** TURN *** [Tc 9s Ac] [Ts]
*** RIVER *** [Tc 9s Ac Ts] [9h]
jl131 shows two pair, Aces and Tens
nittanyted shows two pair, Aces and Tens
jl131 wins the pot (10,720) with two pair, Aces and Tens
nittanyted stands up
jl131 stands up victorious

so the roll is up to $103. plan was get to $100 then move up to the $5 sngs, so that starts tomorrow...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Decent night

So after my 2nd place finish vs. the luckbox I did another $2 sng & 2 different private forum tourneys. took down the sng to make it 4 wins and an unlucky 2nd in my last 5 games. both sngs tonight I fought back from almost out - crippled down to about 400 chips in one, card dead down to 700ish in the other, so I am happy about the way I recovered in both of those.

the first forum tourney i'm pretty disappointed with my play. after reviewing my hand history I think I limped too many weak hands preflop and missed a chance to shove and gamble a little. with 25 players and only 3 spots paid I probably should've gambled here...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4814262361: Atlantic City Poker Guide Trny (34682953), Table 3 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:41:19 ET - 2008/01/10
Seat 1: white_board_wiz (9,598)
Seat 2: Locked1 (4,865)
Seat 3: JoshuaBS (2,804)
Seat 4: Bandit_NJ (6,550)
Seat 6: jl131 (3,705)
Seat 8: Rushmore067 (10,376)
white_board_wiz antes 25
Locked1 antes 25
JoshuaBS antes 25
Bandit_NJ antes 25
jl131 antes 25
Rushmore067 antes 25
jl131 posts the small blind of 120
Rushmore067 posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [8d 8s]
white_board_wiz raises to 600
Locked1 folds
JoshuaBS has 15 seconds left to act
JoshuaBS calls 600
Bandit_NJ folds
jl131 calls 480
Rushmore067 calls 360
*** FLOP *** [Td Js 2c]
jl131 checks
Rushmore067 checks
white_board_wiz bets 1,100
JoshuaBS raises to 2,179, and is all in
jl131 folds
Rushmore067 folds
white_board_wiz calls 1,079
JoshuaBS shows [Kc Qs]
white_board_wiz shows [6s 6h]
*** TURN *** [Td Js 2c] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [Td Js 2c Ks] [9s]
JoshuaBS shows a straight, King high
white_board_wiz shows a pair of Sixes
JoshuaBS wins the pot (6,908) with a straight, King high

I think if I shove here joshua folds. not sure if whiteboard would call, but if he did it would've been great for me. instead i was too passive and ended up busting out not long after when joshua raised utg and i was so short I needed to shove with 55, right into his KK. gg me

The next tourney was a $3 knockout w/10 people. I got the first knockout here...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4813968386: 2008 Tripaces POY (35813127), Table 2 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:16:47 ET - 2008/01/10
Seat 1: CharlesJP (1,450)
Seat 2: jl131 (1,815)
Seat 3: roguespierre (1,445)
Seat 4: AAA Godfather (1,130)
Seat 5: X at Tripaces (1,660)
CharlesJP posts the small blind of 20
jl131 posts the big blind of 40
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Kh Jh]
roguespierre folds
AAA Godfather folds
X at Tripaces raises to 120
CharlesJP folds
jl131 calls 80
*** FLOP *** [9h Ah 5s]
jl131 checks
X at Tripaces bets 150
jl131 raises to 360
X at Tripaces raises to 1,540, and is all in
jl131 calls 1,180
X at Tripaces shows [6d 6h]
jl131 shows [Kh Jh]
*** TURN *** [9h Ah 5s] [4h]
AAA Godfather: wow
*** RIVER *** [9h Ah 5s 4h] [2c]
X at Tripaces shows a pair of Sixes
jl131 shows a flush, Ace high
jl131 wins the pot (3,340) with a flush, Ace high

pretty ballsy of him to shove with 6s there, and i honestly was putting him on an ace at that point, but i needed to gamble in that spot. took the chip lead and kept pounding away from there. actually ended up down about 2.5-1 when it got to heads up but played perfect heads-up poker to take a 3-1 chip lead. villain shoved w/33 against my A6 and won the race to get about even, then the killer hand he caught a 9 w/K9 vs. my KQ to cripple me and won it on the next hand.

all in all a good night, about an $8 profit for the night to bring the roll up to $91. couple more cashes and it'll be time to move up to the $5 level.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I hate luckboxes

So I got crippled down to 435 in chips when i called a shortstack allin w/KQ against her A3 and didnt improve. Managed to claw back and cash, gaining a 2-1 lead headsup. unfortunately, this guy was a luckbox and caught everything. I eventually got frustrated and busted. guy was a horrible player, called just about every bet of mine no matter what he had, and just always seemed to get lucky. i still had a good chip lead and called his preflop shove w/K2 sooooooooted, he had A-9, which was higher than what i thought his range was. next hand i had 3d-4h, flop was 4d5d6h, i bet pot, he called, turn was 8d, I shoved and he had 10-8, no diamond. need i say more? i'm just mad cause it blew my winning streak at 3. still on a good run though. gotta head back for another.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

feeling it

so i decided to be bad and do a quick turbo sng this morning and just be a little late to work if it went well (I have nothing to do at work these days anyway.)

things went very slowly for a turbo, people were just not dropping. I don't mind that though because if it turns into an all-in fest I have no problem sitting back and waiting for others to knock each other out.

anyway, limped KJ preflop which probably wasn't smart, and got myself in quite a pickle here...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4794672484: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (Turbo) (36395008), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 8:34:57 ET - 2008/01/09
Seat 1: FaAM263 (2,010)
Seat 2: shed36 (630)
Seat 3: Poke_her No1 (1,160)
Seat 4: goodtimesinLS (1,345)
Seat 5: jl131 (1,540)
Seat 6: Jc_Denton_1 (1,365)
Seat 7: Platon-1 (1,735)
Seat 8: oneeyedpat (1,365)
Seat 9: Guard2 (2,350)
shed36 posts the small blind of 30
Poke_her No1 posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Jd Kc]
goodtimesinLS folds
jl131 calls 60
Jc_Denton_1 folds
Platon-1 folds
oneeyedpat folds
Guard2 calls 60
FaAM263 folds
shed36 has 15 seconds left to act
shed36 calls 30
Poke_her No1 checks
*** FLOP *** [5s Jc Qs]
shed36 checks
Poke_her No1 checks
jl131 bets 125
Guard2 calls 125
shed36 folds
Poke_her No1 folds
*** TURN *** [5s Jc Qs] [3s]
jl131 checks
Guard2 checks
*** RIVER *** [5s Jc Qs 3s] [Kh]
jl131 checks
Guard2 bets 490
jl131 ???

after using most of my time, i reasoned that the only hand he could have that would make sense and be able to beat was Ks10, but there were many hands that would have me beat and if i call and lose i'm crippled. so i decided to fold.

still 7-handed but blinds at 100/200 and myself with 1600, I decided to gamble and open-shove utg w/55. Fortunately I tripled up when the AQ and A4 called and didnt improve. so i took out 2, took a nice chip lead, and ended up taking it down.

i'm feeling pretty good right now. I think I'm playing pretty well and the cards have been good to me lately for the most part. my last 8 games I've had 4 wins, 1 2nd (bad suckout cost me the win), 1 3rd. roll is up to 75 now, so i'm gonna keep banging the $2 sngs till I hit $100 and then we'll move up to the $5s. hopefully i can get there soon.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I can dodge bullets baby!

well, sometimes...

I had just doubled thru harpin the hand before with QQ vs. his AK on a KQx flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #4778933481: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (36272863), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:51:51 ET - 2008/01/07
Seat 3: jl131 (3,665)
Seat 4: tnkgurl (585)
Seat 5: slickflick5 (2,870)
Seat 6: Maine-iac123 (828)
Seat 7: harpin (1,890)
Seat 8: senditplease (2,532)
Seat 9: cpt colossal (1,130)
Maine-iac123 posts the small blind of 30
harpin posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Js As]
senditplease folds
cpt colossal folds
jl131 calls 60 - just a weird thing of mine, sometimes after a big hand i'll limp a hand like AJ hoping to see a cheap flop, not wanting to raise and get re-popped by somebody thinking i'm just bullying with my newfound chips and then be put to a decision
tnkgurl folds
slickflick5 folds
Maine-iac123 calls 30
harpin raises to 720 - case in point... thought this could easily be a tilt move, but didnt want to chance it in this spot
jl131 has 15 seconds left to act
jl131 folds
Maine-iac123 raises to 828, and is all in
harpin calls 108
Maine-iac123 shows [Ts 9c] - grrrrrrr
harpin shows [7h 2h] - @#$@#)(!)$%*@!$@#(_!
*** FLOP *** [Kc 4s 9s]
*** TURN *** [Kc 4s 9s] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [Kc 4s 9s Ks] [9d] yeah, see, i knew that would happen :)
Maine-iac123 shows a full house, Nines full of Kings
harpin shows two pair, Kings and Nines
Maine-iac123 wins the pot (1,716) with a full house, Nines full of Kings

wow that could've been a painful river. instead i ended up taking it down when heads up and about even i reraised maineiac allin w/jj and he called w/88 and didn't improve.

now this is how I don't dodge bullets...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4778093416: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (36266391), Table 1 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:43:15 ET - 2008/01/07
Seat 1: jl131 (2,135)
Seat 3: MURPH121 (1,835)
Seat 4: RZ_Smokey (5,065)
Seat 7: spanky5500 (1,090)
Seat 8: Nubin (2,075)
Seat 9: jazemn (1,300)
spanky5500 posts the small blind of 25
Nubin posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [6h 6s]
jazemn calls 50
jl131 calls 50
MURPH121 folds
RZ_Smokey folds
spanky5500 folds
Nubin checks
*** FLOP *** [Qc 8d Kc]
Nubin checks
jazemn checks
jl131 checks
*** TURN *** [Qc 8d Kc] [6c]
Nubin checks
jazemn checks
jl131 bets 100
Nubin calls 100
jazemn folds
*** RIVER *** [Qc 8d Kc 6c] [Kh]
Nubin bets 150
jl131 raises to 500
Nubin raises to 1,925, and is all in - this guy was kind of donkish, and I thought he would definitely make this play with a flush, and probably with any random king. but i thought with a king he'd have bet the flop and if he happened to have KQ K8 or by some freak thing K6 he would've raised the turn. 88 scared me slightly, but i figured it was the flush
jl131 calls 1,425
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Nubin shows [Kd Qh] a full house, Kings full of Queens
jl131 shows [6h 6s] a full house, Sixes full of Kings
Nubin wins the pot (4,225) with a full house, Kings full of Queen

uhh... oops... hehe


Sunday, January 6, 2008

I was robbed!!!!

So I spent the weekend in A.C. to take the kids to see Hannah Montana. While there I was able to get in a couple 2-4 sessions, with nothing to show for it. I just couldn't catch a break. I could never catch a draw unless I folded, and everybody seemed to hit every draw possible against me. I ended up breaking even for the weekend, which is a disappointment because I usually do very well at 2-4.

Figured I'd do a sng before bed. hung around with an about-average stack till money time then turned up the aggression. got down to headsup with an aggrodonk who I knew I could take down. started heads up down 2-1 and got even after about a dozen or so hands. then this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4766183834: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (36170859), Table 1 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:17:16 ET - 2008/01/06
Seat 6: zgolfpro (6,830)
Seat 8: jl131 (6,670)
jl131 posts the small blind of 80
zgolfpro posts the big blind of 160
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Qh Qc]
jl131 raises to 480
zgolfpro calls 320
*** FLOP *** [9h Kc Th]
zgolfpro checks
jl131 bets 800
zgolfpro raises to 1,600
jl131 raises to 6,190, and is all in
zgolfpro calls 4,590
jl131 shows [Qh Qc]
zgolfpro shows [Tc Jd]
*** TURN *** [9h Kc Th] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [9h Kc Th Qd] [Ah]
jl131 shows three of a kind, Queens
zgolfpro shows a straight, Ace high
zgolfpro wins the pot (13,340) with a straight, Ace high
jl131 stands up and smashes his monitor

I put him on a draw when he raised me, and was right on target. then the nail through the heart, made even worse by the fact that his jackpot card also gave me a set. BLAH!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

i hate chasers

so i had time for one stt tonight. did a great job getting into the money. had an agrodonk to my right who would raise every time it was folded to him with only me left to act. i thought about pushing w/Q10 off at one point but decided to wait for a better spot. that came when i had 66 and he did it again, I shoved and he called w/A3 offsuit. thanks dude.

the short stack was terrible. i knew i could push her around like nobody's business so there was no way i could finish less than 2nd. until this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4728190321: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (35868126), Table 1 - 120/240 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:05:18 ET - 2008/01/03
Seat 4: jl131 (5,050)
Seat 6: shanyleigh (1,240)
Seat 9: Angelo1605 (7,210)
shanyleigh posts the small blind of 120
Angelo1605 posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to jl131 [7h Qh]
jl131 raises to 720
shanyleigh folds
Angelo1605 calls 480
*** FLOP *** [Jh Qs 5h]
Angelo1605 checks
jl131 bets 1,200
Angelo1605 calls 1,200
*** TURN *** [Jh Qs 5h] [9d]
Angelo1605 bets 3,960

well i had a dilemma here. i thought he probably chased the straight and hit it. if i fold i can still pretty safely get into 2nd but i knew if i won this hand i'd take it down. i play very tight before the money, but once it gets to 3 i dont mind gambling. and i'm not playing for 2nd, i'm playing to win. so i called and of course he showed Kc10c. blah! stupid chasers.

no time to play

So I just haven't really had time to play with the holidays and other issues at home. found a few minutes lastnight so I jumped into a $2 turbo STT on tilt. About 6 or 7 hands in I pick up 88 in mp. utg minraises, I figure i'll do a little set-mining. (I don't mind this in turbos because I am good at hanging around and letting everybody else knock each other out). sure enough, flop is QJ8. YEEHAH!!! utg c-bets, followed by a raise, I shove (obviously). utg calls, raiser folds. UTG shows the rockets. hehe. gotcha! turn blank. river... A.

*fist pound*

oh well, got what i deserved I guess. hopefully I can get in a game or 2 tonight, then I'll be in A.C. trolling around the 2-4 limit tables since that's about all I can afford...