Wednesday, January 9, 2008

feeling it

so i decided to be bad and do a quick turbo sng this morning and just be a little late to work if it went well (I have nothing to do at work these days anyway.)

things went very slowly for a turbo, people were just not dropping. I don't mind that though because if it turns into an all-in fest I have no problem sitting back and waiting for others to knock each other out.

anyway, limped KJ preflop which probably wasn't smart, and got myself in quite a pickle here...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4794672484: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (Turbo) (36395008), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 8:34:57 ET - 2008/01/09
Seat 1: FaAM263 (2,010)
Seat 2: shed36 (630)
Seat 3: Poke_her No1 (1,160)
Seat 4: goodtimesinLS (1,345)
Seat 5: jl131 (1,540)
Seat 6: Jc_Denton_1 (1,365)
Seat 7: Platon-1 (1,735)
Seat 8: oneeyedpat (1,365)
Seat 9: Guard2 (2,350)
shed36 posts the small blind of 30
Poke_her No1 posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Jd Kc]
goodtimesinLS folds
jl131 calls 60
Jc_Denton_1 folds
Platon-1 folds
oneeyedpat folds
Guard2 calls 60
FaAM263 folds
shed36 has 15 seconds left to act
shed36 calls 30
Poke_her No1 checks
*** FLOP *** [5s Jc Qs]
shed36 checks
Poke_her No1 checks
jl131 bets 125
Guard2 calls 125
shed36 folds
Poke_her No1 folds
*** TURN *** [5s Jc Qs] [3s]
jl131 checks
Guard2 checks
*** RIVER *** [5s Jc Qs 3s] [Kh]
jl131 checks
Guard2 bets 490
jl131 ???

after using most of my time, i reasoned that the only hand he could have that would make sense and be able to beat was Ks10, but there were many hands that would have me beat and if i call and lose i'm crippled. so i decided to fold.

still 7-handed but blinds at 100/200 and myself with 1600, I decided to gamble and open-shove utg w/55. Fortunately I tripled up when the AQ and A4 called and didnt improve. so i took out 2, took a nice chip lead, and ended up taking it down.

i'm feeling pretty good right now. I think I'm playing pretty well and the cards have been good to me lately for the most part. my last 8 games I've had 4 wins, 1 2nd (bad suckout cost me the win), 1 3rd. roll is up to 75 now, so i'm gonna keep banging the $2 sngs till I hit $100 and then we'll move up to the $5s. hopefully i can get there soon.

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