Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ok, now I'm on tilt!

$2 SNG, not going too well, had to dump top pair on a shaky board, some blinds, stack dwindling. then this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4971202382: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37737089), Table 1 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:58:27 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: infocline (2,605)
Seat 2: WSDM (2,105)
Seat 3: philcaire (3,705), is sitting out
Seat 4: Watson30 (1,365)
Seat 5: jl131 (1,130)
Seat 6: whackytaco (975)
Seat 7: rono4102 (1,615)
whackytaco posts the small blind of 25
rono4102 posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ad Js]
infocline calls 50
WSDM folds
philcaire folds
Watson30 folds
jl131 raises to 150
whackytaco folds
rono4102 folds
infocline calls 100
*** FLOP *** [Qh Ks 5s]
infocline checks
jl131 bets 350
infocline raises to 800
jl131 folds

could've just shoved it in here and hoped he was on a draw, but i didnt want to bust on a draw myself, and I have also made a habit of coming back from being shortstacked.

so i tried to steal and amazingly ended up in a race, and got bent over...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4971255358: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (37737089), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:03:00 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: infocline (1,895)
Seat 2: WSDM (1,485)
Seat 3: philcaire (3,615), is sitting out
Seat 4: Watson30 (1,495)
Seat 5: jl131 (540)
Seat 6: whackytaco (2,270)
Seat 7: rono4102 (2,200)
rono4102 posts the small blind of 30
infocline posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [5d 9d]
WSDM folds
philcaire folds
Watson30 folds
jl131 raises to 540, and is all in
whackytaco folds
rono4102 folds
infocline calls 480
jl131 shows [5d 9d]
infocline shows [4d 4h]
*** FLOP *** [3s Ad 5s]...good
*** TURN *** [3s Ad 5s] [Jh]...better
*** RIVER *** [3s Ad 5s Jh] [4c] #@$(#*!@)$(@#)%*#$)%^(!!!
jl131 shows a pair of Fives
infocline shows three of a kind, Fours
infocline wins the pot (1,110) with three of a kind, Fours
jl131 stands up and bangs his head against the wall

At the same time i was playing a $3 rebuy just for the hell of it. planned on not rebuying and just picking my spots. got short, then tripled up w/pocket 10s. got it allin again w/qq against JJ and... A7 offsuit FTW!!!!!! yes, ace on the flop. so that knocked me down, doubled up again when i picked off a bluff and won with ace high. then this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #4971341371: $6,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (37096343), Table 8 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:10:13 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: niji kila (2,130)
Seat 2: gmgmoney (3,680)
Seat 3: jl131 (2,820)
Seat 4: spike00 (5,310)
Seat 5: cycanadian (3,035)
Seat 7: Guttaville (2,755)
Seat 8: bruin81 (4,555)
Seat 9: Corcubs (1,230)
cycanadian posts the small blind of 30
Guttaville posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [8d Td]
bruin81 calls 60
Corcubs calls 60
niji kila calls 60
gmgmoney calls 60
jl131 calls 60... ok, i'm along for the ride
spike00 calls 60
cycanadian raises to 120... minraise w/all these limpers? Is it kings or aces?
Guttaville folds
bruin81 calls 60
Corcubs calls 60
niji kila calls 60
gmgmoney calls 60
jl131 calls 60
spike00 calls 60
*** FLOP *** [Ad 7d 2d] now that's a flop!
cycanadian has 15 seconds left to act
cycanadian bets 420
bruin81 folds
Corcubs folds
niji kila folds
gmgmoney raises to 840 - random ace or the King of D
jl131 raises to 2,700, and is all in
spike00 folds
cycanadian has 15 seconds left to act
cycanadian calls 2,280
gmgmoney calls 1,860
*** TURN *** [Ad 7d 2d] [8c]
cycanadian checks
gmgmoney bets 860, and is all in
cycanadian calls 215, and is all in
gmgmoney shows [4d Jd] - yo, even in a rebuy, that's just wrong
jl131 shows [8d Td]
cycanadian shows [Kh Kd]
Uncalled bet of 645 returned to gmgmoney
*** RIVER *** [Ad 7d 2d 8c] [3s]
gmgmoney shows a flush, Ace high
cycanadian shows a pair of Kings
gmgmoney wins the side pot (430) with a flush, Ace high
jl131 shows a flush, Ace high
gmgmoney wins the main pot (9,000) with a flush, Ace high
jl131 stands up and jumps off a bridge

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