Monday, January 21, 2008

nice near double-up

I dont play cash games online very often. It just seems like i always run bad, or i win a little then donk it right back, a lot of times i play scared. whatever the reason, cash is usually my last option online. but I got a free $10 from UB, kicked around a few small sngs to get up to about $17. then yesterday I knew I'd be going out when my wife got done at work, but didn't know what time that would happen. so, not wanting to start a sng or tourney and have to bail, i figured i'd take my chump change to a .25/.50 NL bad beat table on UB. only played about 5 hands until I got the call from my wife, but left the table with $32+. big hand was a 7-8 soooooooted i called a preflop raise with and flopped 2 eights against QQ who called my flop shove. smaller pot came with the 8-5 clubs when the whole table checked around on the flop and turn to allow me to catch my runner-runner flush. now i just have to decide if i want to keep trying the cash games or go to my normal sng routine. we'll see...

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