Thursday, January 10, 2008

I hate luckboxes

So I got crippled down to 435 in chips when i called a shortstack allin w/KQ against her A3 and didnt improve. Managed to claw back and cash, gaining a 2-1 lead headsup. unfortunately, this guy was a luckbox and caught everything. I eventually got frustrated and busted. guy was a horrible player, called just about every bet of mine no matter what he had, and just always seemed to get lucky. i still had a good chip lead and called his preflop shove w/K2 sooooooooted, he had A-9, which was higher than what i thought his range was. next hand i had 3d-4h, flop was 4d5d6h, i bet pot, he called, turn was 8d, I shoved and he had 10-8, no diamond. need i say more? i'm just mad cause it blew my winning streak at 3. still on a good run though. gotta head back for another.

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