Friday, January 18, 2008

Bad night

So I hit the $100 mark and BAM! here comes the bad night, first in quite some time. bombed out of a $5, just couldnt catch a thing, and made one bad play. called a small raise on the button with K9 sooooooted, flop came king high, raiser bet pot. Now this guy had shown he had the goods every time but i shoved hoping he didnt have a king, and he had KQ to cripple me. went back to the $2 level and got nowhere. on one there was a maniac who was caught raising all kinds of trash. he doubled me up twice, once with 8-9 off the other w/K3 off against my A-high. went for it a 3rd time with J10 sooooooooted but this time he had QQ and i went out 4th. I hate that.

hopefully I can get back on track tonight.

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