Tuesday, March 18, 2008

good but short night

so I was really tired, wanted to get in a game or 2 but not be stuck playing till 12-1 AM, so I jumped in a $5 sng on tilt. Finished 3rd. got killed by AK in 2 hands. First was calling a short stack all-in w/ak vs. his JJ and I couldn't catch. Busted when I ran my AK into rockets. I was happy though because after the AK-JJ hand I was down under 600 in chips and made my way back up to cash.

then went into a $10, took 2nd on that. Took a hit when I flopped 2 pair in blind v. blind hand, with villain having bottom pair but catching trips on the river. But made up for it later when i caught a miracle gutshot.

so, decent night. Got the roll up to $262 now. I've cashed in I think 8 in a row now, with 4 wins, so things are running well for me. hopefully I can keep it going.

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