Monday, March 31, 2008

rough night

SNG #1...

hand 2, pick up JJ, 4 limpers, i raise 5xBB get 3 callers, flop AKx... check fold...
next hand - KK, raise it up, get reraised, shove -instacall w/the rockets

gg me

SNG #2...

AsKs, raise, one caller, flop A with 2 spades, no further action

AK again, flat call a raiser, miss the J-high flop and make a good laydown against AJ & QJ

Follow couple limpers otb w/K10, flop J10x, call a bet, turn bettor checks, other bets tiny so i call on odds alone, same thing on river Q - first bettor shows Q9. gay.

10s raise pf, all fold

open raise MP a-9 off, flop A, caller shoves, i call, he shows a-9 off

next hand limp 55, flop 842 w/2 clubs - i like the flop so i bet, one caller. turn jack - check/check. river K, i fire, he calls w/J9 clubs

miraculously double up with AK vs. KQ

get a walk in BB w/AQ soooooooted

on 3rd time when it folds to me in sb, i complete & ss BB shoves, I call w/k3, he shows A10 & i brick

next hand shove from button w/10-8, board comes xK3xK lol gg NOT

SNG #3, $5 omaha hi-lo - one big/bad hand - bust out via kicker w/trip queens & busted flush draw

SNG #4, $5 omaha HI -
hand #2 - cant catch nut flush
hand #5 - wouldve flopped nut straight
hand #6 - wouldve won huge pot w/straight on river
hand #8 - turn straight, dont get paid off
hand #9 - would've flopped broadway
hand #10- would've chopped with jacks & 8s

hand #16 - finally catch a flush
hand #18 - shove on shorty's raise, AAJ4 holds vs. QQ43

don't even want to go into the rest. finished 2nd. blah. down $20 for the nite

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