Wednesday, March 5, 2008

my turn to be suckout king, for a minute

sick SNG on tilt. i have never had so many big pairs in one sit and go and never sucked out so much in my life

started out good, doubled w/A-10 allin on turn on 10-high board w/nut FD, gutshot didnt get there.

couple hands later KK vs QQ allin preflop, flopped set then dodged Q 4-flush on river

then I got hit, KK vs QQ, Q on flop. looked bleak for me and then it turned...

villain here was the guy who hit the Q on me...
Full Tilt Poker Game #5517436290: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (41987578), Table 1 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:21:11 ET - 2008/03/05
Seat 2: jl131 (1,860)
Seat 3: TurkeyGeorge (1,730)
Seat 4: Joe03681 (460)
Seat 6: Kokomo57 (2,840)
Seat 7: tsellanee (2,600)
Seat 8: HAPPY STREET (1,490)
Seat 9: LUCKYLADONE (2,520)
jl131 posts the small blind of 60
TurkeyGeorge posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Th Td]
Joe03681 folds
Kokomo57 raises to 240
tsellanee has 15 seconds left to act
tsellanee calls 240
jl131 has 15 seconds left to act
jl131 calls 180
TurkeyGeorge folds
*** FLOP *** [7h 4h Ts]
jl131 checks
Kokomo57 bets 120
tsellanee raises to 480
jl131 raises to 1,620, and is all in
Kokomo57 folds
tsellanee has 15 seconds left to act
tsellanee calls 1,140
jl131 shows [Th Td]
tsellanee shows [Kc Kh]
*** TURN *** [7h 4h Ts] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [7h 4h Ts Jc] [2d]
jl131 shows three of a kind, Tens
tsellanee shows a pair of Kings
jl131 wins the pot (4,200) with three of a kind, Tens

Full Tilt Poker Game #5517585318: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (41987578), Table 1 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:32:27 ET - 2008/03/05
Seat 2: jl131 (5,420)
Seat 4: Joe03681 (2,580)
Seat 6: Kokomo57 (2,330)
Seat 7: tsellanee (320)
Seat 8: HAPPY STREET (930)
Seat 9: LUCKYLADONE (1,920)
LUCKYLADONE posts the small blind of 100
jl131 posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ah 7h]
Joe03681 folds
Kokomo57 calls 200
tsellanee folds
jl131 raises to 600
Kokomo57 calls 400
*** FLOP *** [Qs Jh 3h]
jl131 bets 1,000
Kokomo57 raises to 1,730, and is all in
jl131 calls 730
Kokomo57 shows [Jd Qh]
jl131 shows [Ah 7h]
*** TURN *** [Qs Jh 3h] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [Qs Jh 3h Ac] [3d]
Kokomo57 shows two pair, Queens and Jacks
jl131 shows two pair, Aces and Threes
jl131 wins the pot (4,860) with two pair, Aces and Threes
Kokomo57 stands up

busting another...
Full Tilt Poker Game #5517663510: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (41987578), Table 1 - 120/240 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:38:23 ET - 2008/03/05
Seat 2: jl131 (8,650)
Seat 4: Joe03681 (4,130)
Seat 9: LUCKYLADONE (720)
Joe03681 posts the small blind of 120
LUCKYLADONE posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [9h Ah]
jl131 raises to 720
Joe03681 folds
LUCKYLADONE calls 480, and is all in
jl131 shows [9h Ah]
*** FLOP *** [Th 6d Jh]
*** TURN *** [Th 6d Jh] [8d]
*** RIVER *** [Th 6d Jh 8d] [Kh]
jl131 shows a flush, Ace high
LUCKYLADONE shows three of a kind, Jacks
jl131 wins the pot (1,560) with a flush, Ace high

the heads-up tide-turner...
Full Tilt Poker Game #5517847309: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (41987578), Table 1 - 200/400 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:52:17 ET - 2008/03/05
Seat 2: jl131 (7,150)
Seat 4: Joe03681 (6,350)
jl131 posts the small blind of 200
Joe03681 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [2c 2d]
jl131 calls 200
Joe03681 checks
*** FLOP *** [Qc 7s Kc]
Joe03681 checks
jl131 checks
*** TURN *** [Qc 7s Kc] [6d]
Joe03681 checks
jl131 checks
*** RIVER *** [Qc 7s Kc 6d] [2h]
Joe03681 bets 400
jl131 raises to 2,400
Joe03681 calls 2,000
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jl131 shows [2c 2d] three of a kind, Twos
Joe03681 mucks (had a Q)
jl131 wins the pot (5,600) with three of a kind, Twos

the finisher...
Full Tilt Poker Game #5517857378: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (41987578), Table 1 - 200/400 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:53:02 ET - 2008/03/05
Seat 2: jl131 (10,150)
Seat 4: Joe03681 (3,350)
jl131 posts the small blind of 200
Joe03681 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #2
jl131: lol
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Jd Ks]
Joe03681: although i played it bad
jl131 raises to 1,200
Joe03681 raises to 3,350, and is all in
jl131 calls 2,150
Joe03681 shows [Kh Qs]
jl131 shows [Jd Ks]
*** FLOP *** [9s 5d 4s]
*** TURN *** [9s 5d 4s] [As]
*** RIVER *** [9s 5d 4s As] [2s]
Joe03681 shows a flush, Ace high
jl131 shows a flush, Ace high
jl131 wins the pot (6,700) with a flush, Ace high
Joe03681: dear lord
jl131: dam
Joe03681 stands up
jl131 stands up and pats himself on the back

This was very enjoyable for me. As I've shown repeatedly here, I'm usually on the wrong side of these things. The good part is even though I had a lot of suckouts, none of them were bad plays, except possibly for the last hand (although I thought his range was wider than aretha franklin's ass at this point).

and anyway, i was getting it done to me all over the place on spadeclub and bodog. Bodog was great, KK raise big preflop, flop comes 7-high, there's a bet and call then i shove, get called by A7 offsuit, A on river and gg me. at least that was a freeroll. then there was the 1k on spadeclub. follow couple limpers in w/66, get a late minraise and everybody calls so of course i do. flop comes 973 rainbow. check around and miniraiser shoves almost double pot size. i was pretty confident my 6s were good, put him on AK type hand, so i make the call. he shows... AJ! turn - Ace. and just for good measure, river ace too. #@%$#)%*#$%)@#($#(!@_#!@ there is nothing i hate more than making the perfect read and getting punished for it.

then came this...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5518565388: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (41996600), Table 1 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:46:39 ET - 2008/03/05
Seat 1: Timberno1 (865)
Seat 3: jl131 (2,845)
Seat 4: Dir Dir (1,710)
Seat 7: Midge8 (5,190)
Seat 9: Farris777 (2,890)
Dir Dir posts the small blind of 50
Midge8 posts the big blind of 100
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ad Kh]
Farris777 folds
Timberno1 calls 100
jl131 raises to 300
Dir Dir folds
Midge8 folds
Timberno1 raises to 865, and is all in
jl131 calls 565
Timberno1 shows [Jd Jh]
jl131 shows [Ad Kh]
*** FLOP *** [Tc 2d Kc]
*** TURN *** [Tc 2d Kc] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Tc 2d Kc 6s] [Jc]
Timberno1 shows three of a kind, Jacks
jl131 shows a pair of Kings
Timberno1 wins the pot (1,880) with three of a kind, Jacks

so dir dir hangs on and hangs on and hangs on, folds just about every hand into the money, and i run my 66 into him w/AA, then he busts me a few hands later. amazing.

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