Wednesday, March 19, 2008

sick, sick call and bad loss

so i'm in a montreal open satellite on FT. 2 seats to next round w/3rd paying cash. this was maybe the single biggest roller coaster ride i ever had in a tourney. up and down and up and down, everybody winning big hands then losing big ones, nobody could make the bubble burst. whiskey has been one of the all-time luckboxes, while flushhead was doing everything possible to donate all his chips to whiskey. then this hand came up...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5704811778: Montreal Open Satellite (43318821), Table 1 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:39:10 ET - 2008/03/19
Seat 1: jl131 (3,075)
Seat 4: WhiskeyBreath60 (4,895)
Seat 6: laredotx (3,115)
Seat 7: FlushHead (14,415)
jl131 antes 25
WhiskeyBreath60 antes 25
laredotx antes 25
FlushHead antes 25
WhiskeyBreath60 posts the small blind of 120
laredotx posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ts Jd]
FlushHead folds
jl131 calls 240 I know the open-limp is weak, i was just hoping to catch a flop i could shove to try to take it down and get a little breathing room, without risking much preflop
WhiskeyBreath60 calls 120
laredotx checks
*** FLOP *** [8d Qc 2d]
WhiskeyBreath60 checks
laredotx checks
jl131 checks
*** TURN *** [8d Qc 2d] [Jc]
WhiskeyBreath60 bets 640
laredotx folds
jl131 calls 640 I think he's on a draw or maybe a lower pair. i've seen him try to bluff his way through a few times
*** RIVER *** [8d Qc 2d Jc] [7h]
WhiskeyBreath60 bets 3,990, and is all in

well... if my read on the turn was right, i have to call. at this point i can fold and still have some chips to try to fight back. i just think it's a busted draw. oh well, here goes nothing...

jl131 calls 2,170, and is all in
Uncalled bet of 1,820 returned to WhiskeyBreath60
*** SHOW DOWN ***
WhiskeyBreath60 shows [4d Js] a pair of Jacks
jl131 shows [Ts Jd] a pair of Jacks
jl131 wins the pot (6,440) with a pair of Jacks

YES!!!!!!!!! DAM what a call!

oh, then there's this, after flushhead decides to spread his charity around and open-shove k3 to double up laredo...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5704954832: Montreal Open Satellite (43318821), Table 1 - 150/300 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:50:01 ET - 2008/03/19
Seat 1: jl131 (7,740)
Seat 4: WhiskeyBreath60 (4,080)
Seat 6: laredotx (4,865)
Seat 7: FlushHead (8,815)
jl131 antes 25
WhiskeyBreath60 antes 25
laredotx antes 25
FlushHead antes 25
jl131 posts the small blind of 150
WhiskeyBreath60 posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [As Jc]
laredotx raises to 900
FlushHead has 15 seconds left to act
FlushHead folds
jl131 calls 750 - planned on stop & go here
WhiskeyBreath60 folds
*** FLOP *** [3c 8c Jh] couldn't have asked for a better one, since i hit i'll actually slowplay it
jl131 checks
laredotx bets 3,940, and is all in
jl131 calls 3,940
laredotx shows [Ad Qh] BOOOOM!!!
jl131 shows [As Jc]
*** TURN *** [3c 8c Jh] [2c]
*** RIVER *** [3c 8c Jh 2c] [Qd] vomit
laredotx shows a pair of Queens
jl131 shows a pair of Jacks
laredotx wins the pot (10,080) with a pair of Queens

finally flush includes me in his chip donation game...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5705026755: Montreal Open Satellite (43318821), Table 1 - 150/300 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:55:27 ET - 2008/03/19
Seat 1: jl131 (3,025)
Seat 4: WhiskeyBreath60 (3,505)
Seat 6: laredotx (9,080)
Seat 7: FlushHead (9,890)
jl131 antes 25
WhiskeyBreath60 antes 25
laredotx antes 25
FlushHead antes 25
WhiskeyBreath60 posts the small blind of 150
laredotx posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ah Ks]
FlushHead raises to 900
jl131 raises to 3,000, and is all in
WhiskeyBreath60 folds
laredotx folds
FlushHead calls 2,100
jl131 shows [Ah Ks]
FlushHead shows [Td Jc]
*** FLOP *** [3c As Qc]
*** TURN *** [3c As Qc] [5h]
*** RIVER *** [3c As Qc 5h] [7s]
jl131 shows a pair of Aces
FlushHead shows Ace Queen high
jl131 wins the pot (6,550) with a pair of Aces

chipped down from blinds, finally had to try to take a shot...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5705090725: Montreal Open Satellite (43318821), Table 1 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:00:18 ET - 2008/03/19
Seat 1: jl131 (4,250)
Seat 4: WhiskeyBreath60 (4,480)
Seat 6: laredotx (11,505)
Seat 7: FlushHead (5,265)
jl131 antes 50
WhiskeyBreath60 antes 50
laredotx antes 50
FlushHead antes 50
FlushHead posts the small blind of 200
jl131 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Kd Qh]
WhiskeyBreath60 folds
laredotx folds
FlushHead raises to 1,200
jl131 calls 800 considered shoving, but he'd call me with a very wide range so i want to see a flop first before i risk busting here
*** FLOP *** [Js Tc 6s]
FlushHead bets 1,200
jl131 raises to 3,000, and is all in
FlushHead calls 1,800
jl131 shows [Kd Qh]
FlushHead shows [Ts As]
*** TURN *** [Js Tc 6s] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Js Tc 6s 8c] [8d]
jl131 shows a pair of Eights
FlushHead shows two pair, Tens and Eights
FlushHead wins the pot (8,600) with two pair, Tens and Eights
jl131 stands up and leaves knowing the worst player at the table won again

I'm sick about this one. this flushHead guy was an absolute clown, and did not deserve to get the seat. And whiskey called a raise preflop when he was short/almost out, putting in almost half of the small stack he had left, with K8 off, and caught a 5679 board to stay alive. Then there were the countless hands where flush would throw out a small bet against one of the shorties on the flop, do it again on the turn, then fold the river. he single-handedly kept them alive and ultimately caused my demise. Just makes me SO crazy.

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