Sunday, March 2, 2008

spadeclub 40k

I'll throw out the big hands as they happen...

blinds 15/30

pick up 55 otb, after 2 limpers raise to 150. one caller. flop KQ4, caller checks, i bet 300, he calls. turn K, caller bets 215, i call. river 7, caller checks, i bet 650, caller calls w/AQ. down to about 3k.

pick up AJ, call pf raise. flop J8J, check-call. turn blank, check raise villain, who shoves, i call, he shows 88. river - ACE! nice lucky double up. 10k

couple hands later, pick up AdJd again, raise & AQ caller calls. flop 8d7d8s, i bet 2/3 pot, he calls, turn As. bet 2/3 pot, he calls. river offsuit J, i bet half pot, he raises, i have to call, he shows 9-10 offsuit. FUHREAKIN SERIOUSLY???????? back to 7k

couple hands later, 67 sooooooted. flop JJJ, checked around. turn 6, i bet 200, 2 callers.. river Q, checked around, one caller shows AQ. ?!?!?!?!?!?! i am SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS. AQ, no raise pf, then call 3/4 pot bet on JJJ flop, then hit the Q and don't bet??????????? 6k

won a decent pot with pair of aces when mr. 9-10 offsuit idiot tried to bluff me off 7k

nice pot with AA, my friend called my reraise of his reraise preflop, i shoved rag flop & he folded 10k

missed opportunity - folded Q2 soooooooooted after a few limpers, would've made flush

raise 66 utg, get minraised, call. flop 353. raiser bets 100 at 1100 pot, i raise to 500, he calls. turn K, both check, river 4, both check, he shows 10-10. back to 8600

K3 on BB, flop AQ10, my buddy bets 100, i call with my 6-1 odds, turn J. he bets I shove, he calls w/KJ, we chop.

Busted my friend with AQ vs A6 allin preflop. 14k

Another openend chasing donk hurts me - follow couple limpers w/9-10 hearts, flop 98x w/one heart, one guy bets, I raise 2.5x bet, he calls. turn 5h, he checks & i shove to see him call & show 67 & river doesnt bring a heart. 7k

in the money...

shove 10s after a few limpers, no callers. 11k

call a shorty allin w/AA, up to 17k

raise 99, reriased all in for 7k more with me having 11k behind. no reads, figure i can wait for a better spot. 13k

the cripple:

folded to me in sb w/k6, raise 3xbb, BB calls 3000 leaving 5000 behind. fantastic play. flop A6x, i shove, he calls w/a3. 1500 left

allin w/33, crack AA with a flopped full house, back to 3700. WOOHOO!!!

shove 7-10 sooooooooooted, get called by BB w/K9 off. unreal. gg me

as usual, picked off by idiot after idiot.

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