Sunday, February 10, 2008

Absolutely PATHETIC

It gets to a point where you just have to wonder what's wrong, whether it's some sort of curse or what. Playing a $1 mtt on FT, and playing pretty much perfect poker, cruising along as one of the chip leaders. And then, as it always does, it falls apart...

hand #1...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5200654395: $1 Tournament (39412865), Table 71 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:06:20 ET - 2008/02/10
Seat 1: acesbaby647 (4,850)
Seat 2: Lollo22suivi (30,375)
Seat 3: nookiecubs (23,350)
Seat 5: jl131 (20,394)
Seat 6: Da Poker Dane (11,600)
acesbaby647 antes 50
Lollo22suivi antes 50
nookiecubs antes 50
jl131 antes 50
Da Poker Dane antes 50
Lollo22suivi posts the small blind of 200
nookiecubs posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Jc Ah]
jl131 raises to 1,200
Da Poker Dane folds
acesbaby647 has 15 seconds left to act
acesbaby647 calls 1,200
Lollo22suivi folds
nookiecubs folds
*** FLOP *** [6s 8s 4c]
jl131 bets 2,400
acesbaby647 raises to 3,600, and is all in
jl131 calls 1,200
acesbaby647 shows [8c Ks]
jl131 shows [Jc Ah]
*** TURN *** [6s 8s 4c] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [6s 8s 4c 9s] [3d]
acesbaby647 shows a pair of Eights
jl131 shows Ace Jack high
acesbaby647 wins the pot (10,450) with a pair of Eights

the moron calls of 1/4 of his stack preflop w/K8 off, and when i say something, his response - "i was short stacked dummy" DIAGF!!!!!!

Hand #2...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5200894127: $1 Tournament (39412865), Table 71 - 250/500 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:24:11 ET - 2008/02/10
Seat 1: acesbaby647 (6,150)
Seat 2: Lollo22suivi (38,075)
Seat 3: nookiecubs (17,950)
Seat 4: Chruegel (14,405)
Seat 5: jl131 (12,244)
Seat 6: Da Poker Dane (12,850)
acesbaby647 antes 50
Lollo22suivi antes 50
nookiecubs antes 50
Chruegel antes 50
jl131 antes 50
Da Poker Dane antes 50
Lollo22suivi posts the small blind of 250
nookiecubs posts the big blind of 500
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [8d 8h]
Chruegel folds
jl131 raises to 1,500
Da Poker Dane calls 1,500
acesbaby647 folds
Lollo22suivi folds
nookiecubs folds
*** FLOP *** [4h Tc 7s]
jl131 bets 3,500
Da Poker Dane raises to 7,000
jl131 has 15 seconds left to act
jl131 has requested TIME
jl131 folds
Uncalled bet of 3,500 returned to Da Poker Dane
Da Poker Dane mucks
Da Poker Dane wins the pot (11,050)

A10 offsuit FTW!!

Hand #3, the killer...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5200911512: $1 Tournament (39412865), Table 71 - 300/600 Ante 75 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:25:25 ET - 2008/02/10
Seat 1: acesbaby647 (6,100)
Seat 2: Lollo22suivi (37,775)
Seat 3: nookiecubs (17,400)
Seat 4: Chruegel (14,355)
Seat 5: jl131 (7,194)
Seat 6: Da Poker Dane (18,850)
acesbaby647 antes 75
Lollo22suivi antes 75
nookiecubs antes 75
Chruegel antes 75
jl131 antes 75
Da Poker Dane antes 75
nookiecubs posts the small blind of 300
Chruegel posts the big blind of 600
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Js Kd]
jl131 calls 600
Da Poker Dane folds
acesbaby647 folds
Lollo22suivi calls 600
nookiecubs calls 300
Chruegel checks
*** FLOP *** [8s Td 4d]
nookiecubs checks
Chruegel checks
jl131 checks
Lollo22suivi checks
*** TURN *** [8s Td 4d] [5h]
nookiecubs checks
Chruegel checks
jl131 checks
Lollo22suivi checks
*** RIVER *** [8s Td 4d 5h] [Jd]
nookiecubs checks
Chruegel checks
jl131 bets 1,800
Lollo22suivi folds
nookiecubs raises to 4,800
Chruegel folds
jl131 calls 3,000
*** SHOW DOWN ***
nookiecubs shows [9c 7c] a straight, Jack high
jl131 mucks
nookiecubs wins the pot (12,450) with a straight, Jack high

only a Jack could've hurt me here, of course.

I actually doubled up a couple times to get back over 4000, then the finisher...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5200982642: $1 Tournament (39412865), Table 71 - 300/600 Ante 75 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:30:31 ET - 2008/02/10
Seat 1: acesbaby647 (5,575)
Seat 2: Lollo22suivi (34,781)
Seat 3: nookiecubs (25,575)
Seat 4: Chruegel (16,080)
Seat 5: jl131 (4,326)
Seat 6: Da Poker Dane (15,337)
acesbaby647 antes 75
Lollo22suivi antes 75
nookiecubs antes 75
Chruegel antes 75
jl131 antes 75
Da Poker Dane antes 75
Da Poker Dane posts the small blind of 300
acesbaby647 posts the big blind of 600
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [8d 8h]
Lollo22suivi folds
nookiecubs folds
Chruegel folds
jl131 raises to 4,251, and is all in
Da Poker Dane calls 3,951
acesbaby647 folds
jl131 shows [8d 8h]
Da Poker Dane shows [6s Ac]
*** FLOP *** [3h Kd Ah]
*** TURN *** [3h Kd Ah] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [3h Kd Ah 4s] [9h]
jl131 shows a pair of Eights
Da Poker Dane shows a pair of Aces
Da Poker Dane wins the pot (9,552) with a pair of Aces
jl131 stands up and throws himself down a flight of stairs

I mean it's a joke. I can't play any better. People say be thankful for the idiots at the table because they're how you make money. BULLSHEYATTTT! Maybe it doesn't happen this way for other people, but the bigger the idiot, the bigger the beatdown i take.

Earlier at a .25/.50 NL table on UB, I raise 4.5xBB w/AK, flop comes 10 8 4 rainbow, i bet 3/4 pot, villain calls. check-check turn & river - he had KQ and rivered a queen. Called a $5 bet on a 10-8-4 flop with KQ ?!?!!?!??!?!?! I can't even describe the feeling of constantly losing to moron after moron, with some of the most insanely asinine plays you will ever see. Believe me, I would much rather see all these idiots fade away. but I guess the only way i'll see that is to not play online.

edit - I should note a few hands later I picked up 5/6 offsuit and mr. KQ minraised, I was seriously tilting and hoping i could catch a miracle flop and get revenge - flop A56 - BINGO! doubled up against his A9. ha! take that donkey! lol

1 comment:

Ken C said...

I know you were tilting a bit, but don't open limp KJo UTG... You also might want to consider raising < 3BB when the blinds are so big. I used to always make it 3BB regardless, now I usually make it 2.5BB and sometimes it's not horrible to minraise. (Min-REraising is ghey though)