Thursday, February 21, 2008

more spadeclub brilliance

busted from one tourney this way:

AJs utg+1, raise 3xBB, one caller. flop A86, bet 1/2 pot, villain call, turn 4, bet 2/3 pot, villain call, river 7, i say to my wife "she probably has A5"... i shove, she slowrolls.... A5 FTW!!! love it

another tourney take a hit when i try to steal otb w/A9, get 2 callers, one of which is shorty w/600 who CALLS my raise to 300 ????? oh, and it was with K2 off, and of course he flops a king

one that actually worked out for me, sat. down to 14 w/9 seats, raise UTG 77, one call, flop comes K53, caller checks, i bet enough to put her allin, she calls w/A2 soooooooooted and miraculously i fade the 4.

nothing wrong here, but got crushed w/AK allin preflop twice, both times by QQ.

overall not a bad night, got my 2nd blue & 2nd red token. hopefully I can turn them into more than $40 this time.

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