Friday, February 22, 2008

wonderful nite on full donkey tilt

Should've known what kind of night it would be very early on (this one's for you Crush)...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5361517314: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (40783235), Table 1 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:58:33 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: jl131 (1,410)
Seat 2: madsandy (1,380)
Seat 3: giantbill (1,365)
Seat 4: Axkick (1,455), is sitting out
Seat 5: kksk (1,350)
Seat 6: Dangela1983 (1,920)
Seat 7: harlee71 (1,230)
Seat 8: GOGRANNY4 (1,890)
Seat 9: cavey1001 (1,500), is sitting out
Dangela1983 posts the small blind of 15
harlee71 posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Qh Qd]
GOGRANNY4 calls 30
cavey1001 folds
jl131 raises to 100
madsandy calls 100
giantbill folds
Axkick folds
kksk folds
Dangela1983 folds
harlee71 folds
GOGRANNY4 calls 70
*** FLOP *** [Qc Tc Ah]
GOGRANNY4 checks
jl131 bets 200
madsandy calls 200
GOGRANNY4 calls 200
*** TURN *** [Qc Tc Ah] [Jh]
GOGRANNY4 bets 1,590, and is all in
jl131: sick ain't that the truth
jl131 folds
madsandy calls 1,080, and is all in
GOGRANNY4 shows [Kd 7s]
madsandy shows [8s Ks]
Uncalled bet of 510 returned to GOGRANNY4
*** RIVER *** [Qc Tc Ah Jh] [2d]
GOGRANNY4 shows a straight, Ace high
madsandy shows a straight, Ace high
GOGRANNY4 ties for the pot (1,553) with a straight, Ace high
madsandy ties for the pot (1,552) with a straight, Ace high

nice missed opportunity...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5361702474: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (40783235), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:13:46 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: jl131 (942)
Seat 2: madsandy (3,095)
Seat 4: Axkick (780)
Seat 5: kksk (5,646)
Seat 6: Dangela1983 (987)
Seat 7: harlee71 (2,050)
madsandy posts the small blind of 30
Axkick posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Kd Th]
kksk folds
Dangela1983 calls 60
harlee71 folds
jl131 calls 60
madsandy calls 30
Axkick checks
*** FLOP *** [4c 7d 9h]
madsandy checks
Axkick bets 60
Dangela1983 folds
jl131 folds
madsandy calls 60
*** TURN *** [4c 7d 9h] [Kc]
madsandy checks
Axkick bets 60
madsandy calls 60
*** RIVER *** [4c 7d 9h Kc] [Ks]
madsandy checks
Axkick bets 60
madsandy calls 60
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Axkick shows [Ad 9d] two pair, Kings and Nines
madsandy mucks
Axkick wins the pot (600) with two pair, Kings and Nines

and the knockout (after winning just a handful of chips with AA twice, AK and AJ in a span of about 10 hands)...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5362030731: $2 + $0.25 Sit & Go (40783235), Table 1 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:40:20 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: jl131 (2,629)
Seat 2: madsandy (10,750)
Seat 3: cbmartini (2,165)
Seat 6: AZ River Rat (8,586)
Seat 7: harlee71 (1,270)
Seat 8: tilted1983 (920)
Seat 9: spoknroll21 (680), is sitting out
jl131 posts the small blind of 80
madsandy posts the big blind of 160
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Kh Kd]
cbmartini folds
AZ River Rat fold
sharlee71 folds
tilted1983 raises to 560
spoknroll21 folds
jl131 calls 480 - yes, should have reraised here, I know. was hoping for a little revenge against mr. K8 soooooooooted
madsandy calls 400
*** FLOP *** [4s 5d 3d]
jl131 bets 2,069, and is all in
madsandy calls 2,069
tilted1983 calls 360, and is all in
jl131 shows [Kh Kd]
madsandy shows [Td Ad]
tilted1983 shows [3s As]
*** TURN *** [4s 5d 3d] [3h] beautiful
*** RIVER *** [4s 5d 3d 3h] [9d] oh even better
jl131 shows two pair, Kings and Threes
madsandy shows a flush, Ace high
madsandy wins the side pot (3,418) with a flush, Ace high
tilted1983 shows three of a kind, Threes
madsandy wins the main pot (2,760) with a flush, Ace high
tilted1983 stands up
jl131 stands up and throws his computer into a snow pile.

At the same time, I was playing a 2-table $6 turbo token tourney (never make the mistake of doing a turbo one of those again). My cards basically came straight from the morgue. managed to hang to the FT w/just about starting stack, then got lucky here to get in good shape...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5361908732: Tier One $6+$0.50 Sit & Go (40780350), Table 1 - 200/400 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:30:28 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: cbuds21 (5,460)
Seat 2: jl131 (2,090)
Seat 3: Cappin Ron (6,415)
Seat 4: ninnyhauk (3,150)
Seat 5: thankyouvm (2,680)
Seat 6: OverUnder1 (4,305)
Seat 8: big rod xx (1,560)
Seat 9: Senator28 (1,340)
cbuds21 posts the small blind of 200
jl131 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Qc Ad]
Cappin Ron folds
ninnyhauk raises to 800
thankyouvm folds
OverUnder1 folds
big rod xx folds
Senator28 folds
cbuds21 folds
jl131 calls 400 - decided to pull a little stop & go here
*** FLOP *** [5d Th 6h]
jl131 bets 1,290, and is all in
ninnyhauk calls 1,290
jl131 shows [Qc Ad]
ninnyhauk shows [8c 8s] - ballsy call
*** TURN *** [5d Th 6h] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [5d Th 6h Jc] [Ah] - hey, that never happens to me :)
jl131 shows a pair of Aces
ninnyhauk shows a pair of Eights
jl131 wins the pot (4,380) with a pair of Aces


Full Tilt Poker Game #5361916652: Tier One $6+$0.50 Sit & Go (40780350), Table 1 - 250/500 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:31:05 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: cbuds21 (5,260)
Seat 2: jl131 (4,380)
Seat 3: Cappin Ron (6,415)
Seat 4: ninnyhauk (1,060)
Seat 5: thankyouvm (2,680)
Seat 6: OverUnder1 (4,305)
Seat 8: big rod xx (1,560)
Seat 9: Senator28 (1,340)
jl131 posts the small blind of 250
Cappin Ron posts the big blind of 500
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ad Kc]
ninnyhauk folds
jl131: i planned that
thankyouvm raises to 1,000
OverUnder1 folds
big rod xx folds
Senator28 folds
cbuds21 folds
jl131 raises to 4,380, and is all in
Cappin Ron folds
thankyouvm calls 1,680, and is all in
jl131 shows [Ad Kc]
thankyouvm shows [Kd Ks]
Uncalled bet of 1,700 returned to jl131
*** FLOP *** [Qc 9s 7h]
*** TURN *** [Qc 9s 7h] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [Qc 9s 7h 4h] [6h]
jl131 shows Ace King high
thankyouvm shows a pair of Kings
thankyouvm wins the pot (5,860) with a pair of Kings

then the crusher...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5361997969: Tier One $6+$0.50 Sit & Go (40780350), Table 1 - 400/800 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:37:40 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: cbuds21 (6,760)
Seat 2: jl131 (2,200)
Seat 3: Cappin Ron (1,475)
Seat 5: thankyouvm (5,860)
Seat 6: OverUnder1 (5,405)
Seat 8: big rod xx (1,720)
Seat 9: Senator28 (3,580)
OverUnder1 posts the small blind of 400
big rod xx posts the big blind of 800
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jl131 [Ah Jd]
Senator28 foldscbuds21 folds
jl131 raises to 2,200, and is all in
Cappin Ron folds
thankyouvm folds
OverUnder1 folds
big rod xx calls 920, and is all in
jl131 shows [Ah Jd]
big rod xx shows [4c 3h]
Uncalled bet of 480 returned to jl131
*** FLOP *** [Tc Qh 4d] - amazing. not saying the guy did anything wrong, he pretty much had to put it all in here, but he had made a bunch of amazingly donktastic calls throughout and just kept on getting lucky.
*** TURN *** [Tc Qh 4d] [2d]
*** RIVER *** [Tc Qh 4d 2d] [6s]
jl131 shows Ace Queen high
big rod xx shows a pair of Fours
big rod xx wins the pot (3,840) with a pair of Fours

and then the knockout...

Full Tilt Poker Game #5362013273: Tier One $6+$0.50 Sit & Go (40780350), Table 1 - 400/800 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:38:56 ET - 2008/02/22
Seat 1: cbuds21 (6,760)
Seat 2: jl131 (480)
Seat 3: Cappin Ron (675)
Seat 5: thankyouvm (5,860)
Seat 6: OverUnder1 (5,005)
Seat 8: big rod xx (5,440)
Seat 9: Senator28 (2,780)
Senator28 posts the small blind of 400
cbuds21 posts the big blind of 800
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to jl131 [Ac 8s]
jl131 calls 480, and is all in
Cappin Ron folds
thankyouvm folds
OverUnder1 calls 800
big rod xx foldsSenator28 folds
cbuds21 checks
*** FLOP *** [6c 9s Ad] - there's a heartbeat
cbuds21 checks
OverUnder1 checks
*** TURN *** [6c 9s Ad] [5c] - still might be good
cbuds21 checks
OverUnder1 bets 2,480
cbuds21 folds
OverUnder1 shows [6s 6h] - or not
jl131 shows [Ac 8s]
Uncalled bet of 2,480 returned to OverUnder1
*** RIVER *** [6c 9s Ad 5c] [2s]
OverUnder1 wins the side pot (640)
OverUnder1 shows three of a kind, Sixes
jl131 shows a pair of Aces
OverUnder1 wins the main pot (1,840) with three of a kind, Sixes
jl131 stands up and dunks his own head in the toilet

What a great night, had a good shot at a token and a nice 2-table win. I guess you could technically say I also had a shot at the Mega Millions too. Came out about equal on both. off to bed...

1 comment:

Ken C said...

haha at least you were fortunate enough to be able to save some chips when QQ raped you. Every time it happens to me, all the chips are already in the middle.