Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spade Club rollercoaster

So i'm in the 5k weekly on spade club. what a ride... here are the big hands...

#1, OTB A9, couple limpers, I limp, flop A37, i bet 3/4 pot, 1 caller, turn jack. I bet 2/3 pot, he minraises leaving only a few chips so i just put him all in, he calls w/AJ. nice pf limp. crippled

#2, double up w/AA

#3, pick up QQ, UTG raises 3xBB, i shove for another 8xBB - he calls w/AJ and flops the ace - crippled again

#4, after building back up, run 99 into shorty w/10s, crippled AGAIN

#5, follow couple limpers w/QJ (note - utg limped with a short stack, i thought this was a trap but went with the pot odds & limped along). flop K9, check around. turn was a blank, i throw out a small bet, UTG calls. river - 10... hehe... utg bets, leaving himself a big blind, i put him in, he calls & shows a perfectly-slowplayed-himself-out-of-the-tournament KK. bout dam time i did that to somebody!

#6, after getting stack back up to about 6k, pick up AA, guy to my right raises, I reraise to 3k, he calls, flop an ace w/2 hearts, he insta-allins. I instacall and he shows K2 of hearts! turn fills me up and i move into 2nd w/27k.

#7, AK, raise 3x, shorty shoves for about 3xBB more, of course i call, he shows 33 and i brick out, back down to 22k.

#8, after getting back up to 27k and blinded down to 25, openraise A8 suited, shorty calls leaving 1/2 bb behind so i bet into him on whiffed flop and he shows AK, back down to 22k

#9, 2 hands later, a rare race win w/77 vs. AK, up to 33k

#10, 2 hands after #9, call shorty all in w/AJ from BB w/a-10, catch a 10, up to 42k

#11, in a hand with Allyn Shulman, she'd been getting smacked in the face with the deck all night from what i'd seen (chip leader by a lot), but i did see her fold to the only reraise she faced when open raising late. so i picked up Ac9c in SB. Allyn open raises, i reraise and she calls. not at all what i wanted. flop J7J. i tank for a second and she types "be careful". so i check, she shoves. then she types "fh". guess trying to build a nice image for the site, so i lay down and sure enough she shows 77. RIGGED!!!! down to 34k

from this point, absolutely stone cold card dead. couldn't get something even remotely playable. finally picked up Ad5d & openshoved 6xBB into JJ. gg out in 14th.

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