Friday, February 29, 2008

this could only happen to me

spadeclub 1k tourney last night, down to 15. blinds 1k/2k, i'm sitting on a little over 50k.

pick up KK

after 1 limper, villain who has me slightly covered raises to 65,000

i do a hellmuthian insta-call-shove-the-chips-messily-across-the-table with my mouse...

villain shows KQ sooooooooooooted in diamonds
flop comes w/2 diamonds and i just knew

turn makes the flush. gg me

villain says wow i hit an extra zero, only meant to bet 6500

If only I could've smashed my monitor. I've got a wicked cold so I didn't get much sleep wed. night, and when I really could've been smart and gone to bed early, I decided to play this thing instead. 3+ hours of work, up till 12:30, for a big fat $10. and now i'm completely wiped this morning. brutal.

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