Friday, February 1, 2008


So i got the "roll" up to $72 on UB playing .25/.50 NL. Took about a $3 hit this morning and sat back down tonight. I've been sitting down with $15 (I know I am not even remotely following standard br mgmt rules, this acct started w/$10 free from the site, so i'm just trying to gamble and make something out of it.) Buyin #1 went away when I shoved on diamond flop holding Ad, but couldnt complete it against the made 10-high flush. rebought, won a nice pot when i flopped a set of 4s against AA in an unraised pot (lol). then it came... K9 sooooooooted, followed 4 limpers, flop 997. i bet $1, mr. no raise w/AA miniraises to $2, big stack raises to $4. I reraise to $10, no raise folds and big stack puts me all in. i actually hesitated here, thinking A9 or 77 but figured if he had that then oh well, so i call. he shows 10-9. YES!!! turn - 10.

WTF?!!!@#@#@!# I mean seriously, what did the retard possibly think i had?????? this is just another example of my problem with online idiots. everybody says "oh, you want the donkeys at your table so you can take their money" BULLSHIT!!!!!!! I can't even count the amount of money i've lost to complete donkey schmucks like this one. it happens over and over and over and over again. so yes, I would much rather play better players. i can live with getting outplayed. i have a very hard time dealing with getting out-donked!

only $40 left now

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