Sunday, July 13, 2008

AK blues cont'd

so when I have AK, it screws me. When I go against it, this...

again, DIAGDFGF AK!!!!!!!!

that was a $5 KO tourney

my other results for the day -

$3 double shootout to 750k - finshed 2nd at my table. got HU with 4-1 lead, shoved my A2 in to his AJ to even out, then AQ couldnt catch against his 88 allin preflop.

$3 KO - near-bubbled, finished 65th with 54 spots paid. lost some chips when i openraised with KQ soooooted and called shorty all in which was equivalent to a miniraise, he had KK obv. then my cards died and blinds jumped (turbo) and i just couldn't get it back.

$5 horse SNG - took 2nd. got HU with decent lead against sick luckbox & of course he caught everything in sight to take it down.

Did final table a tourney on spadeclub. finished 4th - crippled with JJ, raised & got one caller - flop K84 with one club - villain checks, i bet enough to put him all in, which was slight overbet to pot, he called with Ac9c and barry-greenstein-booked me. sick. donktards.

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