Friday, July 18, 2008

sick, just sick

well first I played a $3 MTT & played one of the single worst tourneys of my life. just horrible.

then $2 1r/1a. one of my problems in mtt play is losing too many chips by calling something I shouldn't just simply because of pot odds. so i thought about that here...

shoulda called just based on getting 5-1 but i didnt want to donk off 10% of my stack with 10-high. ugh

then this not too long after...

worst part of that one was if i would've noticed the 2nd caller, i would've called too, but i missed it. now i want to puke.

made up for it a little bit on the next hand:

then came courtesy double up #1:

then courtesy double up #2:

and then the typical bustout:

of course he was the guy i probably bust if i play the 33 earlier. i commented after the hand and he said "well i had chips to spare". so sick. idiotic moronic donkeys score another one.

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