Friday, July 18, 2008

spadeclub follies

didnt play at all wed. nite & only thing i did lastnight was spadeclub nightly $500. busted 60-something. It is amazing how god-awful the play is on there

first issue was this clown who when not in a hand tried to tell somebody to call a shove by me. i told him he needed to mind his own business when he's not in a hand, and the schmuck went on about how i cant tell him what to do. couple other people tried to back me up and this moron just didnt get it. i made a comment about how gay he looked, and he said he is actually gay. LMAO!!! idiot tilted out a few hands later aipf w/3-8 offsuit. classic.

anyway, here's how i busted -

blinds 600/1200, i'm in BB with about 14k and KJ off. folds to mp w/about 30k who minraises (donk move #1). folds to me, i call. flop AQ8 rainbow. i check, mp MINBETS 1200! (donk move #2). reading that as lack of ace, i shove. He calls & shows JJ (donk move 3). bricks & i'm out.

so let's summarize genius here -

1. minraise w/JJ
2. minbet flop
3. call CRAI with 2 overs on board

seriously, i should be at FT of every single tourney i play on there.

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