Wednesday, July 30, 2008

now this is just getting ridiculous

so other than winning one 6-handed $5 omaha sng, i have not had a SINGLE cash since pulling off the daily double double-cash. i have been a combination of unbelievably card dead, coolered to death, sucked out all over, and some bad plays on my part. my roll is down from 210 to 140. today's big ones - in omaha i screwed up when i turned quads and didnt let my opponent hang himself, and he ended up busting me when he called my sizable preflop raise w/9956 rainbow, flop 789. genius. gg me

then did $2 1r/1a. built good stack early, then down around 45 players or so it started crumbling - couldnt hit a flop, couldnt catch a draw - nothing. last hand - i raise 3x w/AJ. board runs out 8-9-10-7-J. what does the moron have? QJ offsuit of course. then while i still had the table open, next hand somebody hit a K on the turn w/K8 against shorty allin w/a2 and the clown that busted me got on this guy for being a lucky mf'er. i went BALLISTIC on the shitbag. of course he threw out all 3 classic donkey lines/excuses - 1. well i have your chips, 2. its only $2, 3. let's play HU. i'm outranking the schmuck by 50% on opr so i prob should've taken him up on it but whatever, i cant do that because the reality is the worse someone is, the more they beat me, that's just a fact of my life.

i have got to get this shit turned around, and quick.

next up was the .10 rebuy - my bustout was shoving for 8xBB w/a9 and the bb called with the unbeatable 6-4 soooooooooooted and of course ran out the flush. so fkng disgustingly sick. I will never even begin to be able to imagine the thought processes of these idiots making plays like that.

excuse me while i go jump off another bridge.

1 comment:

PJS JR. said...

I think you need to take a break. You seem very angry.