Wednesday, July 2, 2008

streak kinda continues

well i flamed out of the $5 stud/8 tourney. just terrible, got mad rivered (i think) early on & couldn't catch anything when i needed to. dont think my early exit was any reason to think my newly-found success in stud/8 is a fluke. when you have trips showing on 6th and someone calls w/2 pair anyway and fills up on the river, not much you can do.

but, i did win another STT, so that streak is now at 4 straight.

also took down the NYRPS o/8 event. have to say i ran pretty sick in that, for a very rare change the cards were actually on my side. also made a kenny tran-like call late HU vs. rambler. i'll post some hand replays when i get around to it

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