Sunday, July 6, 2008

another one of those nights

so here's how its gonna run tonight

first was spadeclub, couldnt catch anything, then was gonna shove k10 soooooted on aggrodonk but my wife clicked fold by mistake. not nice. he showed 33 so it wouldve been race time so who knows. ended up short and shoving w/k10 off after some brain surgeon open-limped AQ for 200 with less than 1100 left. genius.

then this on ft - SNG #1 - of course had to catch the A to add insult to injury

followed by some -10% roi superstar telling me never to call a reraise w/AK. thanks dude.

SNG #2...

same one...

fought like mad to hang in. then great call to get into money position. she'd been miniraising a lot so i knew the shove was nothing super-strong...

then the 2-outer luckbox pulls this and i'm out...

it is incredible how many coolers i run into.

edit - the nite finished with another spadeclub flameout. down to 2 tables, in great shape w/over 100k in chips (floated between 3rd-6th). w/BB @ 4k, shorty w/about 25k raises utg to 12. i reraise to 60 w/AK (figured enough to iso w/out risking my whole stack w/chip leader behind me) - chipleader calls. Flop comes 10Jx, i check obv, leader bets enough to put me allin. sick. i fold. leader shows 10-10. puke

few hands later i make the mistake that is one of my biggest leaks - shove utg w/a9 soooooooted. chip leader has ak obv. gg me... 13th place. $5 ($150 to winner)

best/worst part is dumbass finished 4th after having a ridiculous chip lead at time i busted. blah.

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