Saturday, July 26, 2008

bent over by full tilt all day long

$2 180-man. doubled up on the first hand when i shoved w/kk and of course got called by a8 off and magically no ace. held steady, then set the perfect trap to chip up...

absolutely amazing. idiot falls hook line & sinker, and i get fukd.

finally went for the doubleup here, perfect flop, then fukd again...

love open-limping Q4 offsuit obv

Did a $4 token sng, built up good stack early, then donked it off horribly. no sad stories on this one, i played like ass and blew it, finished 4th.

then the $2 rebuy, had good stack for a while, called shorty allin w/a10 and couldnt hit against his QQ, then my AJ got mini-reraised and whiffed flop, and with blinds flying, ended up allin w/ak against ak and 88, nothing for me

on to the early double...

busted out of B early. misplayed a hand where i put opponent on busted draw and called down with bottom pair, then ran JJ into QQ pf obv.

then in A just could not get anything going at all, got very short near bubble and couldnt even find a spot to shove. finally folded to me otb w/J5 sooooted so i shove and major asshole in sb instacalls with a4 off, flop j53, turn blank, river 2 @#$)#@$_!@)$@#_)#!_$@#)$#_@$)_#@

last was $5 stud/8 tourney. this was i think the single unluckiest i've ever been in a tourney. i've had 1 or 2 ridiculously unlucky hands, but this tourney, start to finish, was just the most continuously god-awful luck i've had in one tourney. pretty much every monster draw didnt get there, and got nailed by several 1 or 2 outers against me. my luck in this was so bad that i made the final table, and didn't cash. yep, paid 7 spots, i finished 8th, cause of course i had to make my stand with a 7 low on 4th st when villain had 5 low. of course he caught his low, and paired his ace, while i caught nothing, and bubbled. what a freakin joke.

so after my double cash bonus the other night i was back up all the way to $210, now back down to $171. so incredibly freaking frustrating

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